Discover the “Past and Present” in one day excursion and time travel between thousands of years-old civilizations and a modern thriving country.
The capital city of Tunis is a rich mix of Arabic North African refinement and French colonial charm. The large straight avenues of the modern city with their boutiques and malls offer a clear contrast with the old Arabic Medina, which reminds a life straight out of the Arabian Nights story.
In the narrow streets and the alleyways, you can find enchanting small shops filled with perfumes and colorful fabrics. Don’t be surprised if the shopkeeper offers you a mint tea after some steep negotiations.
Visiting the Northern part of Tunisia is a trip between time and space. The proof of different civilizations is constant, for everyone to see and enjoy. From the slopes of the Atlas Mountains, colored with the robes of native Berber women, to the fertile plains of the North that was once Ancient Rome’s granary, all the way to Mythical Carthage and its modern day daughter, capitol city Tunis.