Upon embarking on the Melody, a scenic cruise along the awe-inspiring coastline of Phuket awaits. The journey leads to Promthep Cape, renowned amongst locals as the ultimate vantage point to witness the sun setting over the Land of Smiles. As the sun gracefully descends towards the horizon, it merges sea and sky in a mesmerising display of nature's grandeur. This spectacle is enjoyed with a selection of snacks and refreshments, followed by a sumptuous BBQ, Thai and Indian buffet dinner in the dining room, all set to the tune of popular music.
The adventure begins with a pick-up from your hotel lobby, followed by a transfer to Ao Chalong jetty. Upon arrival, you'll check in and be greeted with a refreshing welcome drink before boarding the boat for your sunset voyage. The cruise navigates through the azure waters of the Andaman Sea, arriving at the strikingly beautiful Promthep Cape & Krating Cape. Here, you'll unwind and savour the famous sunset while our DJ sets the mood with popular music. Juices, cocktails and snacks are served as the sun slowly sinks into the Indian Ocean.
The evening culminates with a delightful BBQ, Thai and Indian buffet dinner in the dining room, accompanied by soothing music as you cruise back to Phuket. The romantic journey with Melody Cruises concludes upon returning to your hotel, leaving you with memories that will last a lifetime.