For centuries, Nuremberg was the secret capital of the Holy German Roman Empire. Here, the famous Diets of Nuremberg were held, assemblies where the emperor met with the electors. Because of this crucial importance, the city was chosen as a center of propaganda during the Third Reich.
Hitler considered Nuremberg the heir of the Germanic traditions, the capital of the congresses. In this way, he managed to keep alive the memory and the legacy of the powerful Germanic Empire of the Middle Ages within the Nazi structure. Its significance was so big, that one of the greatest representatives of the regime's anti-Semitism, Julius Streicher, the owner and promoter of the weekly magazine Der Stürmer lived here. Nuremberg was declared the German city par excellence, the most loyal to the regime of all.
On this tour, your guide will take you through the historic city of Nuremberg and let you in on the stories that the Third Reich has written. During the tour, you will find out about:
- Nuremberg, the city of National Socialist rallies
- History of the Jews and the Jewish Quarter in Nuremberg
- Importance of Nuremberg for the Third Reich
- Alte Synagoge: Night of the Broken Glass
- Katharinenkirche: Battle of Nuremberg, Trümerfrauen and the reconstruction of the city
- Lorenzkirche and its link to Große Straße and the Flossenburg Concentration Camp
- Nazi propaganda: the weekly Der Stürmer
- Nazi Party Congresses
- Racial laws: the famous Nuremberg laws
- Human Rights Street: Nuremberg Trials