Located in the heart of Sri Lanka, Minneriya National Park is a haven for wildlife with a mix of landscapes ranging from wetlands and grasslands to dry tropical forest. You'll head on safari with the chance to spot the hundreds of species that roam freely through the park.
After a morning journey through the heartland of Sri Lanka, you'll stop to top up your energy reserves with lunch before heading into Minneriya National Park. Expect to be enchanted by herds of elephants – the star attraction for many – as well as monkeys as you traverse through grasslands and wetlands. More than 70 species of butterflies and 24 species of animals are also attracted to the grass fields on the edge of the reservoir.
There are also resident and migrant birds – more than 150 types – and once you reach the park's rocky outcrop, you'll encounter many reptiles. What's more, the park is home to Sri Lankan sambar deer, Asian and Bengal water monitors and many more wild creatures.