Small group tour of the wine châteaux in Montpellier
Excursions & day trips

Small group tour of the wine châteaux in Montpellier

Free cancellation
Language: English, French, German, Portuguese
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: up to 3 hours 30 minutes
Why you’ll love this…
  • Visit two wine châteaux near Montpellier
  • Taste a great selection of excellent wines
  • Discover the wine culture of the Languedoc
What to expect

Take a trip back in time and discover the architectural heritage and wine culture of the Languedoc region through various tastings at two beautiful wineries located near Montpellier.

You will be accompanied by a passionate guide with extensive knowledge of the region's wines and vineyards, who will answer all your questions and complete the information given to you directly by the winemakers.

In the 18th century, the city's aristocrats started to build the so-called "folies", elegant houses located in the countryside and surrounded by magnificent gardens, which were used as sumptuous summer residences by the gentry of the time.

Your guide will pick you up in Montpellier and take you to two of these beautiful mansions, which are today châteaux where wine is produced. You will get to know the history of the wineries and taste a great selection of high-quality wines.

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What's included
  • check Transportation by air-conditioned minibus
  • check Professional tour guide and wine expert
  • check Tour of 2 wine châteaux near Montpellier
  • check Minimum 8 tastings of high-quality wines

Esplanade de l’Europe, 34000 Montpellier, France

Meeting point:
Meet your driver-guide at the center of the esplanade, in front of the Winged Victory of Samothrace statue.
What to remember
  • This tour is available for small groups of 2 up to 8 people
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Montpellier Wine Tours
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 7 days before the experience begins. If you cancel up to 3 days before, you can still receive a 70% refund.

What people say about this experience


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