Food & dining in Malmö
Self-guided food tour in Malmö
Taste the whole world in Malmö in this selfguided tour and explore some of the city's most iconic food locations at your own pace.
en, sv
en, sv
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Self-guided food tour in Malmö
Taste the whole world in Malmö in this selfguided tour and explore some of the city's most iconic food locations at your own pace.
en, sv
en, sv
Malmö - Self-guided food tour in Malmö
Taste the whole world in Malmö in this selfguided tour and explore some of the city's most iconic food locations at your own pace.
en, sv
Malmö - Malmö city bike rental
Rent a city bike and explore Malmö at your own pace in comfort and safety thanks to the city's flat landscape and friendly bike paths.
en, sv
Malmö - Self-guided tour all around Oresund
Discover Skåne independently and at your own pace with a bike, experience both nature and culture, and taste genuine Swedish delicacies.
en, sv
Malmö - Surprise walk of Malmö with a local
Don't miss out on the chance to see Malmö from a unique perspective.
en, sv
Malmö - Secrets of Malmo interactive discovery game
Explore Malmo's city centre during this interactive and fun discovery walk and see popular sights like Malmö castle from a different angle.