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Located in the center of Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, the island of Kizhi is approximately 6 km long by 1 km wide. The small island was founded in the 15th century and later included two major churches and an octagonal bell tower known as the Kizhi Pogost, built in 1862. Following the 1950s most of the villages disappeared leaving behind only the remains of small rural settlements and churches.
Kizhi Island is famously known for its historical wooden buildings that were moved to the island from various parts of Karelia for preservation purposes. Today, the entire island forms a national open-air museum with more than 80 wooden structures including the Kizhi Pogost, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Book a tour of the Kizhi Island Museum site to discover exhibits about rural life, including farming implements, tools for the manufacture of crafts, furniture and more.