Cape Verde is home to third largest population of loggerhead turtles, and during the months between June and October, they come to the shores of Boa Vista to lay their eggs. This night-time tour takes you to the nesting beaches with a marine biologist where you'll learn about and witness these creatures in their habitat.
Observing this night-time phenomenon is something visitors from all over the world come to witness. And the beaches of Boa Vista are the setting for loggerhead turtles to come to shore – the same beach where they themselves hatched years and years ago – in search of the perfect nesting site.
You'll join a marine biologist on a beach walk and set out tracking the turtles while learning all about the world's third largest nesting site. You won't be allowed to bring your camera – as the turtles can scare easily – so you'll need to keep your eyes peeled for activity in the sand as the turtles come to make their nests and make their way back to sea.