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Located on the banks of the Biała River, Białystok is the largest city in northeastern Poland. With its first settlers arriving in the 14th century, the town grew to become one of the leading centers of academic, cultural and artistic life as well as an important economic center.
During WWII much of Białystok was destroyed, losing more than half its residents, including the once-thriving Jewish community. Postwar reconstruction concentrated on the recovery of industry, infrastructure and state administration.
Visit the city to learn about its most famous inhabitants who ruled from the 1660s to the early 19th Century. Discover their history on the Branicki Route, which includes the Branicki Palace, often referred to as the ‘Polish Versailles.’ Along the route, you can also step into the Podlaskie Museum. Then, stop at the family's 18th Century estate with a Guest Palace, the Daughters of Charity convent of St Vincent de Paul, the Cekhauz/Armoury and the Old Inn.
Don’t miss a visit the iconic places of worship in Białystok including the Saint Sophia Orthodox Church of Divine Wisdom, the Muslim Prayer House and what used to be known as the Cytron Synagogue, which today is home to the Śledziński Gallery.
Outside the city is surrounded by numerous natural and historical sites. Among these is the UNESCO listed Białowieski National Park, the habitat of the European bison.