Riding the e-bike will be an easier way to immerse yourself completely in this unique city made of rocks. Between wonderful views, unusual landscapes, breathtaking views and rock churches, you'll experience a memorable adventure.
- Piazzetta Pascoli
- Via Ridola, where you'll have the opportunity to visit the Church of Santa Chiara and the Church of Purgatory
- Piazza San Francesco with the Church of San Francesco
- Piazza del Sedile
- Piazza Duomo
- Via delle Beccherie
- Piazza Vittorio Veneto, with entrance to the Church of San Domenico
- Via San Biagio
- Piazza San Giovanni, with entrance to the Church of San Giovanni Battista
- Via Piave
- Via D'Addozio and entrance to the Church of Sant'Agostino and the Church of Sant'Antonio Abate
- Via Madonna delle Virtù, with entrance to the cave house "C'era una volta"
- Piazza San Pietro Caveoso
- Via Bruno Buozzi