Escape Tour self-guided, interactive city challenge in Eindhoven

Escape Tour self-guided, interactive city challenge in Eindhoven

Language: English, Dutch
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: 2 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Discover Eindhoven in a unique way using an app
  • Find the secret escape from the city in teams of 2-4 people
  • Look for clues, solve puzzles and complete the tasks
  • Finish first for a chance to end up on the Wall of Fame !
What to expect

Everyone knows Eindhoven and the Philips family are connected. An example is the story of Benjamin, the nephew of Frits Philips. In WOII he received the task to smuggle an eavesdropping transmitter outside of the city without being caught by the Germans. Step in his shoes and try to get out of Eindhoven unseen using the secret exit of Eindhoven.

During the years Frits Philips had builted various underground tunnels in which you could leave Eindhoven unnoticed. The location of these tunnels was known only to a small party. None of them were present to help Benjamin so he had to find the tunnels using the muddled notes of Frits.

Sneak through Eindhoven, just like Benjamin once did, while trying to solve the assignments, difficult questions, and fun riddles. You will play the Escape Tour using an app you'll download before starting the race against the clock. Follow the clues, solve the puzzles to escape the city within 2 hours. The escape attempt starts at the Stationsplein. Good luck!

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What's included
  • check App-guided escape game tour
What's not included
  • x_not_included In-person guide

Eindhoven center, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Meeting point:
The search starts at Stationsplein (station square).
What to remember
  • A ticket is suited for 2 to 4 persons
  • With a group of more than 4 persons, it is recommended to buy more than one ticket and battle against each other
  • Don't forget to download the app before the tour starts
  • Scan the QR-code on the booking voucher to receive an explanation of the game, instructions and log in details
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Unfortunately, we can't offer you a refund nor can we change or cancel your booking for this particular product, due to our partner's policy.

What people say about this experience

At the moment there are no reviews for this experience.

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