Eksploruj miejsca i atrakcje dzięki ekskluzywnemu dostępowi i praktycznym wycieczkom opartym na istniejących relacjach National Geographic na całym świecie
Ta atrakcja spełnia kryteria Światowej Rady Turystyki Zrównoważonej. Wybierając ją, chronisz miejsca, które kochasz, dbasz o środowisko i wspierasz lokalną społeczność
Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś miłośnikiem historii, kultury, gastronomii, ochrony środowiska, natury, przygody czy fotografii, wycieczki są zaprojektowane tak, aby zaspokoić Twoją ciekawość
National Geographic Partners, LLC. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS i Yellow Border Design to znaki towarowe Towarzystwa National Geographic używane na mocy licencji
Take a closer look at the art of winemaking at Bodegas Campestral. The vineyard, located in Arcos de la Frontera, is known for its blend of tradition and sustainability. As you explore the estate, you'll learn about the heritage of winemaking at the bodega, Spain's largest ancestral wine cellar. Here, the family's commitment to sustainability is mirrored in every aspect of the winemaking process.
On arrival, you'll be greeted with a warm welcome, and your guide will offer an insightful perspective on the vineyard business in the context of Jerez winemaking. Starting with an exploration of the grape selection process, your experience will then take you through harvesting techniques before leading you into the cellar where the wine is stored. See the integration of renewable energy with panels on the roof, powering the facility and making it autonomous in electricity.
Next, head out into the vineyard for an activity reserved only for National Geographic travelers - the disgorgement of a wine bottle. This technique represents the artistry and craftsmanship of winemaking. Finally, satisfy your senses with a tasting experience, savor a selection of the bodega's wines, paired with tapas.
This tour offers an opportunity to delve into winemaking techniques while discovering the owners' commitment to sustainability. From grape selection to bottling, each step is a testament to their dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices within the industry.