Eksploruj miejsca i atrakcje dzięki ekskluzywnemu dostępowi i praktycznym wycieczkom opartym na istniejących relacjach National Geographic na całym świecie
Ta atrakcja spełnia kryteria Światowej Rady Turystyki Zrównoważonej. Wybierając ją, chronisz miejsca, które kochasz, dbasz o środowisko i wspierasz lokalną społeczność
Niezależnie od tego, czy jesteś miłośnikiem historii, kultury, gastronomii, ochrony środowiska, natury, przygody czy fotografii, wycieczki są zaprojektowane tak, aby zaspokoić Twoją ciekawość
National Geographic Partners, LLC. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS i Yellow Border Design to znaki towarowe Towarzystwa National Geographic używane na mocy licencji
The foothills of the Taurus mountains have been a region of travel and trade for millennia. On this National Geographic tour, you'll embrace the region's ancient traditions that are still thriving today and immerse yourself in the nomadic lifestyle by visiting a Yörük family.
Head over to the Seljuk bridge at Aspendos with your guide who will reveal alluring facts about the site. Built around the 4th century on the banks of Köprüçay, this architectural marvel is renowned for its distinctive zigzag design, a testament to its intriguing history.
Continue your voyage and head over to an ancient caravanserai, where much of the original layout remains remarkably intact. Step back in time as you wander through the inn's chambers, guardian's quarters, bathhouse, and prayer hall alongside your guide. This is a place that radiates history, where countless travelers sought refuge and replenishment.
The Yörük people have perfected their nomadic lifestyle for centuries. Every spring, communities migrate with their herds from the gentle coastal plains to the mountainous summer pastures. Spend time with a Yörük family and learn about their sustainable ways of life.
Tuck into a tasty meal with eye-catching views of the Taurus mountains. Nearby, you'll find a spot to purchase locally-made goods like soaps, teas, oils, and more. Proceeds support communities affected by recent earthquakes or forest fires.
Finally, Explore Ormana, an Ottoman village famous for its ingeniously crafted 'button houses'.