Pedra Sartaña Pirate Adventure

Pedra Sartaña Pirate Adventure

Gebaseerd op 2 beoordelingen
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Duur: van 2 uur tot 4 uur
  • Hoisting sails
  • Games & treasure hunt
  • Swimming & snorkelling
Dit kun je verwachten

Nothing tickles the imagination of children like pirate ships. Take a trip with yours onboard the Pedra Sartaña for some swashbuckling maritime fun and adventure – and some well-earned down time for yourselves.

The Pedra Sartaña is a real Spanish Schooner with towering masts and ornate woodwork – which was in active shipping service until 1970. Now it has become the ultimate fantasy playground for your under-sized marauding shipmates. As she sets sail through the sparkling Atlantic Ocean, the kids get stuck into all sorts of fun stuff, including hoisting the sails, pirate games and treasure hunts – all led by our tough-taskmaster of a ship's captain.

When she drops anchor offshore, there'll be more maritime fun and games, and snorkelling and swimming in the warm clear water – but they won't be forced to walk the plank! These supervised activities and lunch on board will give the adults a little relaxation, and the delight of the little ones after a half-day of piratical fun should be one of the highlights of their holiday. All the more so if you end up seeing some dolphins off the bow.

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Dit is inbegrepen
  • check Transport
  • check Beer, sangria, water and soft drinks
  • check Lunch
  • Bring bathing gear and sunblock
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TUI España Turismo, S.L.U, with Tax Number B08089187 and Travel License Number GCMD-4
Goed nieuws! Er zijn geen extra kosten aan deze boeking verbonden
Ontvang een 100% restitutie als je annuleert tot 1 dag voordat de activiteit begint.

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Gebaseerd op 2 beoordelingen van geverifieerde klanten

  • Anoniem

    Uit Polen - augustus 2021


    Algemene beoordeling


  • Anoniem

    Uit Polen - augustus 2021


    Algemene beoordeling


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