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Introducing Masterton
There's lots to like about Masterton, the major town of the Wairarapa region. Just 100km north east of Wellington over the Rimutaka ranges, this is a town with plenty of green space plus a mountain backdrop and wine country on the doorstep. Founded in 1854, Masterton is the hub of the Wairarapa region, with a great selection of shops and things to do for visitors.
Masterton serves up some great family attractions with leisure facilities to suit all ages. There's a trio of engaging museums, two standout parks and a busy calendar of events to look out for. It's also a good springboard for the coast - Castlepoint beach is one of the finest in Wairarapa, just an hour by road.
Top three things to do in Masterton
1. Sheep shearing mecca
This is a town with a curious claim to fame. Since the sixties, Masterton has been New Zealand's sheep shearing capital, boasting the Wool Shed Museum devoted to the history of sheep farming, and the annual Golden Shears world championship event, elevating sheep shearing to sport status.
2. A breath of fresh air
Masterton’s most celebrated outdoor space is Queen Elizabeth Park - a generous green swathe in the centre, bordered by the river. There’s an epic kid’s playground, minigolf, a skate park and boating lake. A short drive north brings you to an important indigenous animal sanctuary at Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre.
3. Cultural diversions
Located close to Queen Elizabeth Park, the Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History is home to a varied collection of 4,000 artworks. The founding item of the collection is a sculpture by Barbara Hepworth. A rotating program of exhibitions showcases items of regional, national and international importance.