Oasis Wildlife Fuerteventura Ticket

Oasis Wildlife Fuerteventura Ticket

Cancellazione gratuita
Voucher sul cellulare accettato
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Questa esperienza soddisfa i criteri del Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Scegliendo questa esperienza potrai proteggere i luoghi che ami, prenderti cura dell'ambiente e sostenere le comunità locali.

Cosa farai
  • Entrance to the animal park
  • Get up close to a wide variety of animals
  • Ideal family day out
Cosa aspettarsi

Oasis Wildlife is home to a huge variety of birds, reptiles and African animals, living as close to their natural habitat as possible. There's a successful breeding programme here and recent arrivals include giraffes, sea lions and hippos.

Get up close to many of them at the sea lion, reptile and birds of prey shows. In between shows, you can come eye-to-eye with the giraffes on the viewing platform, laugh at the antics of the cheeky chimps, admire the elephants and take pictures of the meerkats, otters, zebras and hippos – the list is endless.

There is also an optional 25-minute camel ride available, adding adventure and laughs along the way, aswell as a 20-minute educational lemur experience, learning all about these beautiful, endangered primates.

Leggi tutto
Cosa è incluso
  • check Admission fees
FV2, Carretera General de Jandia
Da ricordare
  • Please ensure correct ticket ages are selected when booking. If you select a discounted ticket price for senior (60 years +), children (4-11 years) or free infants (0-3 years), you will also need to present proof of age, in the form of a photo ID. If ages are found to be incorrect, you will be required to purchase a new ticket in the park to gain entry
  • There's two options to buy transfer tickets to the park, once you have arrived in resort. Option one is to purchase via a QR code with a card payment – once purchased, you will receive a voucher and a link with details of pick-up times and points around the island. You' ll need to scan this ticket on the bus, from your phone. Option two is to pay directly on the bus by card or cash - you can consult pick-up times and points with your local TUI Rep or hotel reception. Return transfers cost EUR 5.00 per person from ages 4 years and over (0-3 years are free)
  • Children under 3 years and expectant mothers are not allowed on the optional Camel Safari ride, which has a maximum weight limit of 120kg per person. Children cannot sit on their parents lap for the ride.
  • Participants 15 years or younger must be accompanied by someone aged over 16 years with a ticket, on the optional experiences.
  • Participants 15 years or younger must be accompanied by someone aged over 16 years with a ticket, on the optional experiences
  • On arrival at the park, please take your prepaid ticket to the ticket office in order to exchange for the official entrance ticket
  • Expectant mothers and anyone with a contagious virus/infection are not allowed to participate in the lemur experience
  • Rest assured, our camel rides adhere to stringent care standards, ensuring the wellbeing and comfort of the camels is prioritised throughout – this includes giving them plenty of well-deserved rest breaks throughout the days they're working
  • Bring your passport or official EU identification
  • Transfers not included
  • Transfer is available for an extra charge
Leggi tutto
TUI España Turismo, S.L.U, with Tax Number B08089187 and Travel License Number GCMD-4
Commissioni di prenotazione
Buone notizie! Non sono applicate commissioni di servizio a questa prenotazione.
Politiche di cancellazione
Ricevi un rimborso del 100% annullando la prenotazione fino a 1 giorno prima dell'inizio dell'attività.

Cosa dicono le persone di quest'esperienza


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