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Affectionately known as the German Hamptons, Sylt is an outdoor paradise and luxury that treats visitors to endless sandy stretches, quaint villages and cosy thatched cottages. It’s called an island, but it’s connected to the mainland by the Hindenburgdamm causeway so you can get here by train – the journey will take your breath away with its scenic views. Sylt is a natural spectacle and its location in the middle of the Wadden Sea National Park, a recognised UNESCO World Heritage Site, treats visitors to majestic wildlife, flora and fauna. Visit the local restaurants and cafes to embrace the local atmosphere or try activities such as walking, surfing, and cycling – buses are equipped with bike racks it’s so popular in Sylt.
Top three things to do in Sylt
1. Check out the Uwe Dune lookout
Climb up the hill’s wooden steps to enjoy the island in all its glory. From this point, walk to the Red Cliff for more sea vistas of the North Sea – a great spot to catch an island sunset. The locals like to enjoy this place with a glass of champagne in hand as the red cliffs glow from the evening sun.
2. Enjoy Sylt’s dreamy beaches
Feed your souls at one of the many finest sandy beaches across the island. There are family-friendly beaches where children can play safe and there are surfing hotspots and water activities to feel a splash. Rent a Standkorb – the traditional wicker bench chairs that line the coast – and try a ‘fischbrötchen’ fish sandwich.
3. Do some town hopping
Sylt’s main town Westerland offers a vibrant night scene and many restaurants and Kampen is a good spot for some luxury shopping. Appreciate the island’s beauty at the secluded town of Hömum with its thatched houses and old lighthouse, the lunar landscapes of Morsum cliffs and Braderup with its walking trails and bike paths.