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Widely known as a ‘museum without walls’, Gyeongju is easily one of the most popular cultural and historical sites to visit in South Korea. This coastal city flaunts a harmonic blend of the futuristic and the traditional. With its array of royal tombs, temples, shrines, palaces, and statues combined with a zen atmosphere and all the luxuries of a modern Korean city, it’s no wonder Gyeongju consistently makes a bold impression on all who stop by.
As the former capital of the Silla Kingdom, Gyeongju contains a treasure trove of history not found anywhere else in the country, just waiting to be discovered. Visit the city’s ancient ruins and archaeological sites to uncover remnants of South Korea’s past. Once you’ve explored the city’s heritage, try some famous local dishes such a bulgogi and bibimbap or venture to the surrounding natural landscapes of low mountains, forests, and coastlines.
Top three things to do in Gyeongju
Delve into Silla history at Gyeongju National Park
A protected area near the city, Gyeongju National Park is home to a wide variety of historical sites, carvings, and structures. Some of these sites include Bulguksa Temple, Seokguram Grotto, Mangwolsa Temple, and the Samneung Royal Tombs housing three kings of the Silla dynasty. Spend a day or two to traverse the park’s wonders and follow one of the many hiking trails to climb to the summit of Mount Namsan for a rewarding experience.
Admire traditional architecture at Bulguksa Temple
Bulguksa Temple is a Korean Buddhist temple with major historical significance, hence why it’s been labelled as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Constructed in the 8th century during the Silla Dynasty, this temple is an architectural gem in South Korea. With its beautiful halls and stone pagodas, Bulguksa Temple is certainly worth a visit for those looking for spiritual enlightenment or to learn more about local culture and heritage while in Gyeongju.
Appreciate Silla art at Seokguram Grotto
Another UNESCO World Heritage site located in Gyeongju National Park, Seokguram Grotto is a must-see attraction during your stay in Gyeongju. Located past the Bulguksa Temple inside a natural cave on the slopes of Mount Toham, this popular stone grotto dates back to the 8th century and is known for its impressive art sculptures from the Silla period such as the 3.5-metre-tall Buddha statue sitting on a lotus pedestal.