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Cosy and filled with welcoming local vibes, Dachau is a small town a stone's throw away from Munich. Despite its size, Dachau holds a significant place in history, specifically during World War II. Today, the town stands as a sobering reminder of the tragic events that took place in one of Europe's darkest times.
As you meander through the town, you'll notice that many of the buildings bear witness to a bygone era. Cobblestone streets lined with old Bavarian houses create a very distinctive and rustic atmosphere, textbook rural Germany. The 16th-century Dachau Palace is a must-visit for history buffs and architecture enthusiasts alike. Intricate stonework, stunning gardens, and ornate interiors embellish this manor, ideal for spending a day out.
But perhaps the most important attraction in Dachau is the former concentration camp, which today serves as a museum and memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. Make sure to head over to the memorial directly outside the museum. Before leaving the grounds, visitors come here to pay their respects.
Despite its tragic past, Dachau is a town that continues to honour its cultural heritage and celebrate its unique identity. From its family-owned restaurants and traditional beer gardens to its lively cultural festivals, there's always something to explore and experience in Dachau.