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Unabhängig davon, ob Sie Geschichte, Kultur, Gastronomie, Naturschutz, Natur, Abenteuer oder Fotografie bevorzugen, diese Touren sind darauf ausgerichtet, Ihren Wissensdurst zu stillen
National Geographic Partners, LLC. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITIONS und Yellow Border Design sind Marken der National Geographic Society, unter entsprechender Lizenz
Nearly two millennia ago, Plancia Magna blazed a trail by making an impressive impact on the city of Perge despite the usual passive role of women at that time. She was born into a wealthy, powerful family, but instead of an easy life, she used her privilege to benefit her city. Her courage, independence and character was celebrated long after her time, and inspired women through the ages to seek influential roles in society.
Your National Geographic-trained guide will reveal the ancient city of Perge with a focus on the life and legacy of Plancia Magna, an inspirational figure even today. Perhaps Plancia was a source of inspiration for Hatice Adıgüzel, whose workshop you will visit next. Discover the skills and artistry involved in creating lamps and garden ornaments from gourds, and learn from Hatice herself what sets her business apart - her leadership in a male-dominated workforce, her commitment to empowering local women and her choice of sustainable materials.
During a hands-on workshop, you will have the opportunity to create your own decorative gourd and learn more about Hatice's work with the local women's community. She pays her success forward by employing women to grow and decorate the gourds from their own homes for the business. They also make the snacks you'll enjoy during the workshop. Hatice's aim is to help women who are unable to work in regular employment due to childcare commitments or similar restrictions by giving them a convenient way to earn.