The Royal Crescent tours and tickets
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Highlights in Bath
Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
The Royal Crescent is a sweeping row of 30 townhouses that showcases 18th-century Georgian architecture in Bath at its finest. Built between 1767 and 1775, the crescent was designed by John Wood the Younger. Its golden-coloured brick facade against pristine green gardens emulates majesty and grandeur. Georgian Bath was a hotspot for high society – and the crescent was the most fashionable place to be.
Today, the townhouses are privately owned and the large central house at number 16 is where you can plunge into paradise at the Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa. From luxurious rooms and a 5-star restaurant to saunas, steam rooms and special Relaxation Pool, it offers all comforts. It’s only a 15-minute walk away from the city centre – Pump Rooms, Theatre Royal, Roman Baths – which makes for easy exploring of the UNESCO World Heritage City.